I. The origin and evolutionary processes of the neocortex
The dorsal region of the vertebrate telencephalon, called the pallium, arises as a homologous region in all amniotes. However, the brain structures derived from the pallium are extremely diverse among animal groups. In mammals, the pallium is significantly enlarged and a six-layered structure is constructed. On the other hand, in Lepidosauria, such as lizards and geckos, and Archosauria, such as turtles, crocodiles, and turtles, the pallium does not expand and a three-layered structure or neuronal core structure is formed (Nomura et al. Journal of Experimental Zoology 2013; Neuroscience Research 2014).
These diverse brain morphologies are presumably due to differences in the timing of neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation, as well as spatial and temporal control mechanisms of neuronal subtype specification and migration patterns. On the other hand, even if diverse as complete products, they may share some parts or components of the blueprint, and these features may be traits inherited from the common ancestor of amniotes (Nomura et al. PLoS One 2008; Nature Communications 2013; Development 2016; Yamashita et al. Development 2018; Cell Reports 2018; Cell Reports 2020; Nature Communications 2022). We hope to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that led to the expansion and layering of the cerebral cortex through comparative molecular developmental analysis of amniotes.
II. Evolutionary Developmental Analysis of Human-Specific Phenotypes
Current humans have unique anatomical features, such as a skeletal system adapted for bipedal walking and a significantly enlarged cerebrum. How did these unique human phenotypes evolve? To answer this question, we are focusing on the genomic and genetic changes that have occurred during human evolution and their impact on the phenotype through comparative developmental approaches and the generation of genetically engineered mice. We have generated knock-in mice with extinct Neanderthal and Denisovan-specific amino acid substitutions in the GLI3 gene and found that these polymorphisms induce morphological changes in the skull and vertebrae (Agata et al. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2023). Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms that gave rise to the uniqueness of the human phenotype will not only shed light on the history of human evolution from a biological perspective, but also help to elucidate the pathogenesis of various human diseases.
As a basis for promoting such evolutionary developmental research, we have established in vitro and in vivo embryonic manipulation and gene transfer techniques (Nomura and Osumi, Development 2004; Nomura et al. Development 2006; Frontiers in Neuroscience 2015), and have conducted genetic analysis of stem cell lineages analysis (Nomura et al. Cell Stem Cell 2010; Cell Reports 2018).
I. 哺乳類大脳皮質の起源と進化過程の解明
脊椎動物の終脳背側領域は外套 (Pallium) と呼ばれ、少なくともすべての羊膜類において相同な領域として発生します。ところが、この外套から派生する脳構造は動物群によって極めて多様な形態をとります。
(Lepidosauria)、あるいはカメ、ワニ、トリのような主竜類 (Archosauria) では、外套の拡大は起こらず、3層構造あるいは神経核構造が形成されます (Journal of Experimental Zoology 2013; Neuroscience Research
(PLoS One 2008; Nature Communications 2013; Development 2016; Development 2018; Cell Reports 2018; Cell Reports 2020; Nature
Communications 2022)。そこで我々は、羊膜類の比較分子発生学的解析を通して、特に大脳皮質の拡大と層形成をもたらした分子機構を解明し、こうした分子機構が進化の過程で如何にして獲得されたかを予測したいと考えています。
II. ヒト特異的表現型の進化発生学的解析
二足歩行に適応した骨格系や著しく肥大化した大脳サイズなど、現生人類は特異的な解剖学的特徴を有しています。こうしたヒト特異的な表現型は一体どのようにして進化してきたのでしょうか?この問題を明らかにするため、ヒト進化の過程で起こったゲノムや遺伝子の変化に着目し、その表現型への寄与を比較発生学的アプローチや遺伝子改変マウスの作製などよって明らかにしていきます。これまでに、GLI3遺伝子における絶滅したネアンデルタール人、デニソワ人に特有のアミノ酸置換を導入したノックインマウスを作製し、この多型が頭蓋骨や脊椎骨の形態変化を誘発することを見出しました (Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2023)。こうしたヒト表現型の特異性をもたらした分子機構の解明は、生物学的視点からヒトの進化史を解き明かすだけでなく、さまざまなヒト疾患の病態理解につながります。
こうした進化発生学的研究を推進する基盤として、in vitro、in vivo での胚操作と遺伝子導入技術の確立
(Development 2004; Development 2006; Frontiers in Neuroscience 2015)、遺伝学的手法による幹細胞の系譜解析 (Cell Stem
Cell 2010; Cell Reports 2018) を行ってきました。今後、すべての羊膜類胚を対象とした比較形態学的解析に加えて、幹細胞クローン解析、in vitro脳再構築実験、in
vivo 遺伝子機能獲得および阻害実験、トランスジェニック動物作製技術を駆使して、哺乳類の進化過程を多角的なアプローチによって明らかにしていく予定です。